Rachana Jayaram


1. Translating Object Oriented Perl Code to Python

RachanaJayaram/Translating-OOPerl-to-Python | 4th Semester

This project is an exploration of program translation using compiler design techniques. Given a syntactically correct code written in Object Oriented Perl the tool developed here programmatically generates an equivalent code in Python which generates identical outputs. Using a lexer and a 2 stage parser, translation of several concepts unique to OOPerl to Python was achieved.

Conference paper: Skanda, V. C. Jayaram, Rachana. Kumar, N. S. (2021). Refactoring OOPerl and Translating it to Python. In Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (pp. 375–386). Springer Singapore.
Language: Python, Perl.
Tools & technologies used: Python Lex and Yacc library.

2. Automatic Questionnaire Generation from Lecture Videos

5th Semester

This project involves interleaving lengthy lecture videos with questionnaires at optimal moments in order to keep students’ attention. MCQ type questions are generated based on the transcript of the video lecture using ML and NLP techniques. In order to maintain continuity and proper flow of teaching, a LDA-based model is used to insert these generated questions at appropriate points during the lecture.

Conference paper: Skanda, V. C. Jayaram, Rachana. Kumar, N. S. (2020). Automatic Questionnaire and Interactive Session Generation from Videos. In Computational Intelligence in Data Science (pp. 205–212). Springer International Publishing.
Language: Python.
Tools & technologies used: Spacy, Keras, Natural Language Toolkit, Sklearn.

3. Malware Prediction

RachanaJayaram/MalwarePrediction | 5th Semester

Using machine learning models to predict the probability of a windows system getting infected by various families of malware, based on different properties of that system. This was done by using gradient boosting frameworks, namely a LightGBM model on Microsoft's 'Malware Prediction' dataset.
Language: Python.
Tools & technologies used: Light GBM, Keras, Sklearn.

4. Image Encryption with Chaos Theory

RachanaJayaram/Image-Encryption-Chaos-Maps | 5th Semester

This is a project in cryptography that involves implementing image encryption using various chaos maps and comparing their merits based on key sensitivity, adjacent pixel autocorrelation and intensity histograms. The chaos maps implemented were - Arnold cat maps, Henon maps and Logistic chaos maps.
Language: Python.

Mini Projects

1. Visualization of Dijkstra's algorithm

RachanaJayaram/Visualization-of-Dijkstras-Algorithm | 4th Semester

A teaching tool that is meant for easy visualization of Dijkstra's algorithm which is used to find the shortest path from a single source vertex to all other vertices in a given graph.
Language: JavaScript, Python.
Tools & technologies used: Sigma JS for graph drawing, flask.

2. Generic Implementation of Segment Trees in C++

RachanaJayaram/Generic-Implementation-of-Segment-Trees-in-Cpp | 6th Semester

This project involves implementing a generic segment tree using C++. A segment tree is a data structure that is used for answering range queries over an series of elements effectively, while still being flexible enough to allow updating values of the elements.

3. Online Movie Booking

RachanaJayaram/Movie-Booking | 3rd Semester

The project is an online movie booking website where a user can register, login, and book tickets for a movie of their choice.

4. Elective Registration Portal - DBMS

RachanaJayaram/Elective-Registration | 4th Semester

The project involved making a mock elective registration website for our university. Using this portal, students can sign up for electives of their choice and teachers can monitor the head-count of students enrolled in their elective.

Email : rachana.jayaram@gmail.com
LinkedIn : RachanaJayaram@LinkedIn
Github : github.com/RachanaJayaram
Find my resume here.